Family Support and Services
APTCOO is a trusted friend and professional partner, with over 30 years of experience in supporting
complex family lives. Our services are person centred, flexible, friendly and delivered within non-clinical
environments supported by a team who are qualified and experienced in Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND).
APTCOO has grown in size and remit but the core values remain the same... to listen, understand, signpost and support. We encourage and value partnership working enabling families to benefit from joined up services and coordinated care. At the first point of contact we provide emotional, practical, educational and holistic support to the whole family.
What we do
Our activities are designed to encourage engagement and participation, bringing people together to support each other, making friends, socialising, reducing isolation and loneliness. We are a positive learning centre where families and professionals come together in order to improve the health, education and wellbeing of service users within the local community. Our family support hubs provide regular meeting points for families, a place to access activities for the whole family, as well as gain support and specialist information and advice.
Our services
We provide the following services:
Parent carer support
Access to parent carer information, advice and guidance
Access to family workshops
Sensory integration
Independent living
Employability skills
Adult social care
Preparing for adulthood
Short Breaks
After school groups
School holiday clubs
Our facilities are fit for purpose offering equal opportunity for positive play, educational, social and emotional development for parents, children, young people and their extended family.
How to access
You can self refer via telephone (01623 629 902); email; social media; GPs; Paediatric Consultants; SENCO or any other family support services.
A friendly voice and a warm welcome is always guaranteed! Feel free to contact us to make a convenient appointment.