Welcome to APTCOO in Bassetlaw - Tall Trees SEND Family Hub
About Us
APTCOO in Bassetlaw operates through our SEND (Special Needs and/or Disabilities) Family Hub at Tall Trees in Retford.
We provide a range of high quality, specialist support services to families of children and young people with SEND and/or
early life trauma. ​​Every single family is different, we will get to know a family in order that we can tailor our support service
to individual needs, wants and choices. Families are able to self-refer via telephone, email or social media together with
GPs; paediatric consultants; school nurse, SENCO or any other family support services.
What do we do?
We equip families with the tools and information they need to feel more confident of where they are now, and where they
would like to be in the future. ​​Tall Trees offers a relaxing and confidential space for those who need to offload, share their feelings, frustrations and fears. Our staff are always on hand to support parents and young people through these difficult times, this can be a telephone call, a Teams chat and/or a one-to-one meeting.​​​
We will:
Support parents/carers to navigate through a complicated system
Increase confidence in parents/carers abilities to feel involved, listened to, understood without a battle
Create resources tailored to a family including siblings, grandparents and the extended family ​​
Manage the emotional and physical demands of caring for a young person with SEND
Access SEND services in the local area
Find further support and information specific to the SEND family needs, wants and choices​​​​
Explore the cause, effect and impact of trauma
​We operate through a single point of access, providing different types of support at different levels of engagement as families need it. This means that families can step into support when life becomes complex in any given areas and feel welcomed in a place they belong. Families enjoy and benefit from learning more about themselves, making friends and feeling valued.
We offer the following family workshops that are bespoke personalised and evidence based:
Sensory Therapies
Sensory processing difficulties can change how a person responds to changes in their own body, the environment and how they interact with it and others around them. They may have difficulties registering or processing sensory input which may result in them seeking out or avoiding particular types of stimuli.
​​​Family Workshops
​​​Parents and carers are supported to understand and engage in open discussions with an ultimate aim to build resilience in their family and equip them to be able to manage the challenges of everyday life to enable them to have greater choice and control over the decisions that affect their family.
Each workshop is delivered within our SEND Family Hub and facilitated by experienced and trained SEND practitioners. We utilise professional theories matched to individual family needs including The Lighthouse Parenting Programme, an evidence-based intervention, underpinned by research in the fields of attachment, child development, trauma and neuroscience that offer insight into how our minds and relationships work; Anna Freud Reflective Parenting, an approach to parenting that aims to develop a better understanding of your child’s emotions and behaviours, wrapped around PACE Principles – how to connect and communicate with your child with a sense of security and attachment. We bring lived experience and specialist knowledge to help you and your family. ​​​The workshops offer an introduction followed by a flexible and personalised support plan that will address: ​​
EHCPs and the Local Offer
Sensory overload, tools and techniques
Sleep deprivation
Early life trauma and attachment
GDA and Right to Choose
We will support you through the graduated response process by providing information, advice, support and access to one-to-one and small group family workshops. A referral to APTCOO can be made by either your GP/Health Care Professional/Educational lead or alternatively you can refer direct by e-mail at enquiries@aptcoo.org or phone 01623 629 902.
For more information on the Bassetlaw General Developmental Assessment Pathway (GDA) click here.
For more information on Right to Choose click here.
Bassetlaw Parent Carer Group - Time for Us​​​​
Parent and carer support groups are a great way to meet other parents/carers for practical and emotional support. Time for Us is designed by parents & carers, for parents & carers and led by parents & carers themselves. Parents & carers receive a warm welcome, in a safe environment to share experiences to feel less lonely and in a place that they belong. We meet fortnightly during term-time.
Themes include:
increasing self-esteem
coping with feelings
understanding behaviour
home/school issues
the wider family
reducing guilt/shame
​For more information 'phone 01623 629 902 or click here to visit our Facebook page.
Click here for some useful links to external organisations for further help and support.

Feedback from our families
Myself and my husband have found the meeting great, so much useful information.
In our opinion the meeting itself was beneficial and we are very grateful to have been able to access it.
Excellent service.
For the first time ever I feel normal, like I'm not a bad mum and also know I'm no longer alone.
Can’t thank this team enough and look forward to learning more myself and helping my daughter.
These guys are just incredible. They are there to help and support our whole family whenever we need them.
It’s so nice to speak to people who truly understand your worries, thought processes and stresses. My little boy is on the pathway of being assessed for autism and these guys are such a great support network.
Thank you for reaching out to us and offering your expertise, support, understanding and knowledge. Truly, we are very lucky to have you guys available at the end of the phone.